How Fit Flow Yoga Is Beneficial For Body 

How Fit Flow Yoga Is Beneficial For Body Yoga in the present world is the best way to keep yourself fit, not only in the country but for people from all around the globe who are practising the art of yoga that originated in India.

Yoga is chosen to be the best way of physical activity not only because it keeps the person fit but also because it has no side effects.

Learning yoga is an art, which people of any domain can learn irrespective of their age. Here are some key areas in how learning yoga can be beneficial for you. 

Creative movement therapy 

Yoga is a terrific way to improve your relationship with your body and your mind-body connection, both of which can help you feel less stressed, especially if you have body image problems or have experienced trauma linked to your own body.

You may still experience reactions to things you thought you had gone past because trauma has been shown to persist in the body for a very long time after the mind has forgotten it. By practising yoga, you could make a connection with certain portions of your body that you may not have been aware of before. 

Sound Sleep

Sound Sleep 

In addition to other health concerns, poor sleep quality is linked to hypertension, poor academic performance, obesity, and depression. Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness, is released at a higher rate as a result of yoga. Yoga, therefore, contributes to better-quality sleep. 

Increased Bone Strength 

In order to prevent disorders like osteoporosis, bone-healthy exercise is essential after the age of 30, when the bone’s natural density starts to deteriorate. Yoga is a weight-bearing activity, thus it stimulates the growth of new bones by moderately taxing the body. Due to its unique features, yoga may stress the body in the way that is necessary for bone health without jarring or upsetting the body in any other way. 


Detoxification and Digestion 

Bloating and indigestion are never enjoyable, regardless of whether the cause is a large meal, fatty food, or something more serious like IBS. The internal organs might become more detoxified with regular yoga practice. This sequence, which combines deep breathing with abdominal organ-targeting stretches and twists that massage and compress internal organs, reduces a variety of digestive discomforts, including gas, constipation, and bloating. The digestive organs perform better when fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients are flowing through them. The body will have more energy if digestion is simpler.

Improves Lung Capacity 

Due to the emphasis placed on the breath during yoga practice, it has been shown to be very beneficial for improving lung capacity and treating other respiratory illnesses including asthma. Yoga teaches us to breathe fully and profoundly, protecting the health of every part of the lungs, whereas most adults breathe fast and shallowly most of the time. 

The Bottom Line 

Due to the numerous great changes, it brings about in our lives and because of its fundamental lessons of acceptance and gratitude, yoga is a powerful instrument on the road to fulfilment and pleasure. 

However, if you want to witness these benefits yourself, lay down your mat and start practising power flow yoga immediately.

Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Yoga Asana

Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Yoga Asana

Yoga Workout

Asana is one of the aspects of Hatha Yoga that has become the most popular in the West in the widespread practice of Yoga. It is translated as posture and its function in practice is to restore physical and mental balance as a means of body-mind integration.

During its performance, a silent dialogue between the body and the mind takes place that gives us the opportunity to explore our physiological reality.

The essential aspect during the performance of a posture is attention, and awareness of everything that happens. It is a process of sensitization towards each tissue, organ and cell of our body.

Stay fit with us – Join our online yoga classes today.

Who needs to do asanas?

Yoga is beneficial for folks who have not been active in a long time. It is beneficial to persons who have specific medical disorders, such as arthritis or osteoporosis. You can modify the workouts to meet your specific needs.

However, if you are already fit and want a difficult workout, yoga is ideal. Daily asana practice can enhance energy and improve health. While you’re engrossed in your everyday routine, asanas can

help you maintain your mind-body balance. Only 10 minutes of asana practice can improve your health.

What is the key purpose of practicing asana

What is the key purpose of practising asana?

Asanas are exercises that are done to increase agility, stamina, and stability. 1 Asana, or yoga postures, are movements that assist the body’s joints, ligaments, and muscles strengthen.

Regular yoga practice can promote flexibility and mobility over time, lubricating the spine and aiding in daily activity. Furthermore, whether you are young or elderly, overweight or ft, yoga has the ability to relax the mind while also strengthening the body.

Don’t be put off by yoga vocabulary, expensive yoga studios, or difficult positions. Everyone can benefit from yoga.

Benefits of Doing Asanas

Each asana has a profound effect and affects all systems of the physical body, energy structure, emotional state, internal sensations, and the mind.

The main benefits are –

  • Muscles, tendons and ligaments are exercised in such a way that little by little they regain their natural flexibility, strength and tone. The joints regain mobility and the spine becomes more flexible, contributing to proper postural hygiene. 
  • All the internal systems and apparatus of the body (circulatory, nervous, digestive, endocrine, excretory) are toned and harmonized helping to recover and improve their optimal functioning.
  • The energy balance that the asanas induce generates a positive and vital emotional state. The mind stabilizes, its functions are enhanced and it integrates in a balanced way with the body.

Types of Asanas

Types of Asanas

  • Energizers

    These are postures that stimulate the endocrine glands and the sympathetic nervous system, helping to raise the body’s energy level. Psychologically they transmit firmness, strength and self-confidence.
    The dynamic phases of the practice (vinyasa and sun salutations), standing postures and extensions backwards would fall into this group.
  • Relaxing

    They affect the energetic, emotional and mental levels providing an effect of internalization, tranquillity and rest. Forward bending poses would fall into this category.
  • Balancing

They favour a state of harmony in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as well as the activity of the cerebral hemispheres. The postures that favour this state are inverted, spinal twisting and lateral bending.

The execution of the asana implies a process of conscious investigation of the body. ATTENTION is essential to discover and assimilate the different aspects of posture.

Each asana is an opportunity to remain conscious in different situations during which the integration of body and mind takes place.

If you need yoga classes online in India contact us.

60 Min Full Body Yoga Workout For Beginners At Home

If you have joined the yoga class, then it is time to rejoice. You are on your way to wholesome fitness. Moreover, you should make a resolution to practice yoga every day, without fail. It is the only thing, that your yoga teacher expects from you. No matter whether you are male or female, old or young, or fat or fit, it suits all. Yoga not only strengthens the body but your mind as well. If you are unable to join offline classes, look for Online Yoga Classes in India. They are just as beneficial for those with time constraints.

Yoga For Beginners at Home:


So, now that you have decided to make yoga a part of life, start with asanas or postures. They are the easiest things to do. You have taken the right decision to make the No Equipment Workout a part of your life. Poses or postures are the building blocks of yoga. If you have never done it before, yoga can be a bit intimidating. However, yoga is not just about arm lifts and floating plank poses. You can start from the easy ones and scale up to advanced poses as you strengthen your core.

Some of the best poses for beginners at home are:

  • Ardhachakrasana (Standing Backward Bend)
  • Padahastasana(Hand under foot pose)
  • Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
  • Bhujangasana(cobra pose)
  • Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Yoga Workout Plan for Beginners:


Yoga is different from aerobics or your gym workout. It is a bit slow and concentrates more on mindfulness. The beginner’s yoga workout plan includes simple poses like the ones mentioned above. You can practice these poses, with repetitions and extend the session to 60 minutes.

Ardhachakrasana – 15 Mins


You will also hear the name ‘Half-wheel pose’ very often. Moreover, this asana is much easier than Chakrasana. Ardha means half, and chakra means wheel, so the name is just apt. This pose opens the chest, tones the waist, improves the flexibility of the spine, and strengthens the legs as well. Every yoga and fitness studio in India teaches this posture.


  • You have to raise your hands together, straight up and backward.
  • When you bend yourself backward, refrain from bending the knees.
  • Breathe in and out normally. Go back while inhaling.
  • Hold the posture for a few seconds. Ten seconds each time would be apt. You can hold for longer after some practice.
  • Return to your normal pose, while exhaling.
  • Repeat the above 5-10 times.

Modifications – You can also place them on your hips. Secondly, you can bend your back deeper after some practice.

Tips – You should refrain from practicing this asana if you are pregnant, have a hernia or have some spinal injury.

Padahastasana – 10 Mins

Padahastasana (hand under foot pose)

Padahastasana is also called the hand-under-foot pose. It is a standing pose. You can give a lot of stretch to your hamstrings, calf muscles, glutes, and thighs as well.


  • You need to stand straight with your feet a few inches apart.
  • Inhale slowly and raise your hands upwards.
  • Then exhale and fold the body downwards, and keep both palms on the ground.
  • Maintain this pose for 10-30 seconds.
  • Breathe normally.
  • Now, inhale and come back to your normal position.

Modifications – You should try to hold the pose for 30 seconds to gain maximum benefits. However, you can also just manage to touch the feet, if you are a beginner. You should refrain from exerting too much pressure initially,

Tips – You should keep the legs straight while performing this asana. For beginners, it may be difficult to place the palms on the floor, so it should be avoided initially.

Trikonasana – 10 Mins


It is the most common posture for beginners. Moreover, this is one of the best yoga for fitness taught in India. It suits all levels of practitioners.


  • You have to stand with your feet apart, at least 2 feet. The back foot should be parallel to the border of the mat and the front foot should be facing in front.
  • Your arms should be in T-position, with your body folding at the hips. Your back arm should be upwards and straight. Whereas the front arm should be touching the foot.
  • Breathe normally while holding the posture.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Modifications – You cannot practice too many variations with this pose.

Tips – As a beginner, try to keep your feet strongly pressed into the ground. You need to use the strength of the torso to aid in your bending. Do not practice if you have hip, shoulder, or waist injuries.

Bhujangasana – Full Body Yoga Workout for Beginner – 10 Mins


Bhujansasana (Cobra pose)

This is amongst the most powerful yoga asanas. It can tone down your abdomen, waist, and also improve your spine strength. Furthermore, it is also famous as the Cobra pose. You can also target weight loss, with this asana.


  • Lie down on the mat, on your belly. Keep the body straight.
  • Support the front torso, with your hands by your side, bent at the elbows. You have to support the body on your palms.
  • Arch the neck upwards, and look up.
  • Your stomach should touch the floor, all this while.
  • Inhale deeply as you lift the body and exhale while returning to normal. Hold the asana for 5 seconds and repeat at least 7-10 times.

Modifications- Instead of resting your body on your palms, you can rest your entire forearm on the floor. It will give you added support, if you are unable to push upwards.

Tips– You cannot do this asana, if you have any back problems. People with Spondylitis should also avoid the pose.


Dandasana – Yoga for Strength and Stability – 15 Mins


Dandasana (staff pose)

It is a foundational pose, which is also popular as the staff pose. It is a seated pose, which has overall benefits on the body. It strengthens the spine, stimulates the abdominal organs, and also opens up the lungs. It can also relieve stress and asthma. You can practice the pose in any of the Online Yoga Classes in India.


  • You have to sit down with your legs stretched in front.
  • Your toes should point towards the roof.
  • Your back should be straight and you have to press your palms firmly on the ground. Bend your head forward a bit.
  • Hold this for a minute. You can practice this pose 5 times.

Modifications– You can start Parvatasana or Virabhadrasana, before string this pose. If you are unable to sit straight, you may have problems with hamstrings. So, work on them.

Tips– If you have spinal and wrist injuries, then you have to abstain from these. You can also use back support, if you have problems holding the pose. This is a relaxing asana, so you can do it for long.

These are a few beginner asanas, that can help you to strengthen your body muscles to the fullest.



Health Benefits of Surya namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The sun is revered the world over as a symbol of energy and vibrant life. One of the most popular routines in advanced yoga teacher training, the ‘Surya Namaskar’ has shown gratitude to the sun as its essence. It also connects us to the solar powers within, activating piungala nadii. The Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is a graceful sequence of twelve yoga asanas (postures) performed as one continuous routine. This sequence of postures is designed to bring your body, mind and breath together to work in harmony.
Commonly performed in the early morning, it works to revitalize your body and refresh your mind, leaving one feeling energetic throughout the day. The routine also helps one unwind when performed in the evening. The postures in the sequence stress on controlled breathing, exercising the spine, along-with invigorating and calming poses, thus offering many health benefits.

Here are a few tangible benefits of regularly practicing the routine.

Strengthens Muscles and Joints:

Surya Namaskar is an excellent exercise for stretching, toning, and strengthening the muscles, ligaments, joints, and skeletal system. The movements assist in increasing your spine’s flexibility. By practicing the postures in sequence on a regular basis, you can improve your limb symmetry and the function of your internal vital organs.

Skin & Complexion:


Regular practice of the Surya Namaskar improves one’s blood circulation that brings a glow to your face; improves the elasticity of the skin. thus, wrinkles are prevented and your skin appears radiant.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system

The sun salutation routine helps your digestive system function more efficiently. By performing these yoga poses, you can help increase blood flow to your intestines, which results in improved digestive tract function. Bending forward postures help increase abdominal space, which aids in the release of trapped gases in your system.

Weight Loss:

weight loss

Surya Namaskar, when performed at a faster pace, is an excellent cardiovascular workout that aids in weight loss. The postures work to stretch your abdominal muscles and is effective in shedding pounds around your waist. When performed at a faster rate, the movements help to increase metabolism.

Dealing with Insomnia:

Surya Namaskar, when performed at a faster pace, is an excellent cardiovascular workout that aids in weight loss. Surya Namaskar can be used to improve sleeping patterns. The asanas assist in relieving tensions, relaxing the body, and calming the mind, all of which contribute to a restful night’s sleep. With practice, you will not require any substances to achieve a restful night’s sleep.

The Menstrual Cycle:


Surya Namaskar can be hugely beneficial for women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles. Regular practice of the movements can help in regulating the cycle, provide relief from cramps during periods and also aid in natural childbirth.

Reducing Anxiety:


Yoga routines in general help improve one’s memory and the functioning of the nervous system. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps you calm down and free yourself of worries and anxiety. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid.

Aiding Detoxification:


The rhythmic and active breathing process thoroughly ventilates the lungs and oxygenates the blood. This aids in the body’s detoxification process while also increasing the flow of lymph, which transports toxins to the excretory organs.

A boon for any health-conscious person, Surya Namaskar is an intensive exercise that works on every major muscle group of the body. Regular practice of yoga helps develop the body and mind while maintaining good health.

Sun Salutation was created to connect with the ethereal energy that surrounds us. The air is filled with prana shakti, or life energy, each morning at dawn. When performed facing east during the first rays of the morning sun, while breathing properly and chanting the mantras, the mind, body, and spirit experience a profound effect.



The Surya Namaskar (sun Salution ) is one of the best exercises for everyone to practice and get the benefits, want to get the benefits ?you can get sun salutations by joining our online yoga class. Kickstart your journey toward a healthier and better you.


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